Empowering Women Panel

Women empowerment during COVID – 19 : Workplace and domestic violence

Thursday, February 25th @ 15.00

Even though COVID19 impacted mostly men’s health, the ones who have encountered most social and economic issues following the pandemic have been women. Women’s job losses are 1.8 times higher than men’s. Meanwhile, domestic violence is on the rise. According to statistics from the 24-hour SOS hotline of the General Secretariat for Family Policy and Gender Equality, since the outbreak of the pandemic, complaints have increased disproportionately to their descent across all walks of life, regardless of the victim’s economic status, social status or education. Limitation at home, the need to care for children and the elderly, and the loss of a job are threatening to bring women back into the ‘50s.

The speakers in this open discussion will explore this type of danger and the ways to deal with it:

Maria Syreggela

Deputy Minister for Demographic Policy and Family, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

Katerina Sarri

Professor in Management & Entrepreneurship at University of Macedonia, General Secretariat for Family Policy and Gender Equality

Stella Kasdagli

Writer and Co-founder Women on Top

Theodoris Georgakopoulos

Journalist / Writer / Editorial Director diaNEOsis

Nicole Alexandropoulos

Director / Producer / Founder and Creative Director of the Athens Fashion Film Festival

The panel will be moderated by Xenia Kounalaki, the journalist from the Greek newspaper “Kathimerini”.

Xenia Kounalaki

Journalist from the Greek newspaper “Kathimerini”